Saturday, February 2, 2013

First Day at the Market

February 1, 2013

Hello Everybody, Nan here. I’m happy to tell you that we finally got to be with the kids this morning!  We met about ten other volunteers at the UBECI office. There are people from the States, Australia, Canada and Europe, most of them college age and many have been here for at least one month. Two volunteers are staying for six months. 

We all took a bus to a market about half an hour away for just 25 cents each, carrying bags of school supplies, books and toys. At the edge of the market is an un-used warehouse, with lots of open space and air.  About 30 children slowly appeared, ranging in age from babies to 10 year-olds. Most were between 3 and 8 years old.  UBECI establishes contacts with the families who let their children attend the class.
The building where we had class, with the market behind.
Once we get permission, we will post pictures of the classes.
 First, the children washed their hands in basins we brought. Then we placed mats on the ground, and spread the toys and books we brought. It was playtime!!  This is exactly where your donations are useful - everything we bring has been donated from generous people. We spent about an hour playing and reading with the children. I held a baby boy who was very happy just putting plastic toys in his mouth. His brother, who was maybe 4, read aloud from a Spanish version of One Fish Two Fish. He read very well, and helped me with some pronunciation.  Later on, I read the same book to a girl who was holding her baby brother on her lap. She helped me too, and read aloud herself in a very soft voice.

Next, the toys and books were gathered up, and all the children and staff formed a large circle. We sang Spanish children’s songs that involve clapping hands and stomping feet. We danced to some music, following Danny, one of the permanent UBECI staff.  It was essentially an 80’s aerobics class for the kids, but without the headbands and Spandex. A game of Red Light Green Light ended this portion of the morning.

A basic math lesson on shapes came next. The older kids were given chalk, and drew rectangles of different sizes on the ground. Then we returned to the mats and each child got a worksheet with different shapes on it. They had to identify all of the rectangles, and only color those in. Most of the children did a great job!

The little kids did a different activity, gluing pompoms to shapes on paper. Emma worked with that group, while Mike and I were with the older ones.  Then it was time to clear up and wash again, and a few volunteers walked the children back to their families in the market.

The class finished at 12:30. Some staff stayed for another afternoon class, while we met with Monica at the UBECI office to sort out the donations we brought. She is the co-Director of UBECI with her husband Byron, who is the founder of this organization.  They have worked very hard to create a viable program that directly relates to the local lifestyle. The children love attending, and they show their love to us so openly and comfortably. I suppose they are used to seeing lots of unfamiliar faces, as volunteers come and go. We are excited and honored to contribute to UBECI, and they welcome us enthusiastically.

After their normal three-day weekend, we will return on Tuesday morning. We are looking forwards to it!

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