Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Moving Out -

No Condition is Permanent. This was a common sticker on the dashboards of dangerously fast long-distance taxi drivers in Nigeria.  It is thrilling to know that we are soon to be thrown into a world with so many differences from our own, yet connected in more ways than we normally appreciate. Transience governs much of our world, despite our attempts to slow it down at times. 

Our imminent departure, like moving house, provides a strong incentive to clear out our possessions.  It is already depressing to consider the speed at which we acquire a new gadget for audio (or any other medium), and must finally let go of older, once treasured belongings. This is the last tape player to leave our ownership, following the exit of our record player about six years ago. The replacement of course, plus all music can fit in my pocket.

No, we will not take this audio relic to Ecuador, even though it is in good working condition.  However, thanks to the generosity of many here in town, we cruised past the target of 150 pounds of donations, exceeding 200 lbs.  You provided a good mix of games, toys, books, clothing and especially basic school supplies. They are now bagged up and ready for check-in.  Thank you again for your kindness and generosity.

1 comment:

  1. Moving out can mean that there some things you have to let go. That's one thing that makes it harder. The stereo still looks good though and it's unbelievable that it's still working.


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